Natural Ways to Increase Inositol in Body
Inositol is naturally produced by the body from glucose, or sugar, and dietary nutrients. Fiber-rich foods such as citrus fruit, apples, berries, raisins, whole grain oats, whole wheat, brown rice, quinoa, walnuts, almonds, pecans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, garbanzo beans, lentils, black beans, pinto beans, lima beans, peas, vegetables and peanuts are excellent sources of inositol. Milk, meat and unrefined molasses also contain inositol.
Don't drink too much coffee. According to the Nutritional Supplement Review Knowledgebase at, the habitual drinking of more than two cups per day of coffee "substantially" depletes inositol. Phyllis Balch, nutritionist and author of "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," states, "the consumption of large amounts of caffeine may cause a shortage of inositol." This could be bad news for the body, which depends on inositol to export and redistribute fat from the liver, helping to reduce cholesterol. Balch also asserts that inositol is vital for hair growth.
Brewer's yeast is a rich source of B vitamins, including inositol and the vitamin it works better with, choline. A high quality B complex, containing at least 100mg of each major B vitamin, can boost inositol levels.
In Natural Health, his "Psychology Today" advice column, Richard Firshein writes that IP6, a powerful antioxidant, has been found in studies on tumor growth to be safe in doses as high as nine grams daily for several months. Firshein compares inositol to SAMe as a natural remedy for mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder. According to Balch, "High doses of inositol may help in the treatment of depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders, without the side effects of prescription medications."
Lecithin is an emulsifier available in supplement form. A rich source of inositol, lecithin is popular as a remedy for lowering cholesterol and fighting arteriosclerosis. It is found in cabbage, cauliflower, garbanzo beans, soy beans, split peas, organic meats, seeds, nuts and eggs. Lecithin as a supplement should be taken with food.