Nitrix Dangers
As a vaso-muscular dilator, Nitrix works by expanding blood vessels. This is done through an active ingredient known as nitric oxide. By expanding blood vessels, nitric oxide allows a greater flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. As a result, Nitrix has been marketed as a method of achieving greater efficiency while building muscle and exercising.
To help avoid side effects and dangers of Nitrix, follow the dosage suggested on the Nitrix bottle. There are separate instructions for persons under 200 pounds and over 200 pounds. One dosage (three tablets) of Nitrix should be taken on an empty stomach, either 30 to 45 minutes prior to eating or two hours after eating. Improper dosage can lead to diarrhea, weakness and nausea.
Side Effects
Nitrix contains thermogenics, which are the ingredients that allegedly increase energy levels and metabolism. The danger of thermogenics is that they also raise your heart rate. An increased heart rate, especially while exercising, leaves individuals at a higher risk of developing dizziness, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, fainting, lightheadedness, chest pain and blackouts.
There are some precautions you can take to help reduce the chances of side effects while taking Nitrix. Eat enough to ensure that you are providing your body with adequate energy outside of what you obtain from Nitrix. Keep hydrated at all times, as the stress of working out combined with an increased heart rate caused by Nitrix can deplete your body of fluids very quickly.
Nitrix should not be taken if you have “any pre-existing medical condition including but not limited to: high or low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver or thyroid disease, anxiety, depression, seizure disorder, psychiatric disease, diabetes, pernicious anemia, difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement or if you are taking an MAO inhibitor or any other medication,” according to the product's warning label. Speak with a doctor or health care provider before taking Nitrix if you are unsure about your current health.