How to Cleanse With Ojibwa Tea
Things You'll Need
- 0.85 oz. Burdock root
- 0.57 oz. sheep sorrel (powder)
- 0.04 oz. or 1/4 tsp. turkey rhubarb root powder
- 0.14 oz. slippery elm bark powder
- 1 gallon purified water
- 4 oz. distilled water
- Measuring device
Boil all ingredients in 1 gallon of purified water. Allow the mixture to cool and store in a closed container in the refrigerator.
Pour 2 oz. of the tea into a measuring device first thing in the morning. Mix the tea with equal parts of distilled water. Do not eat anything for two hours after you take the tea.
Combine 2 oz. of the tea with 2 oz. of distilled water at least two hours after you have eaten dinner. Try to do this as close to your bedtime as possible.