Methyl Masterdrol Dangers
This supplement will more than likely produce results at least similar to what its advertising claims since the ingredients in Methyl Masterdrol are quite potent. However, there are some real dangers that you need to be aware of.
One of the first warning signs pointing to potentially dangerous effects of Methyl Masterdrol is the extreme difficulty in obtaining the simple ingredient list. The manufacturer's website does not offer the list on its product page nor do the majority of online retailers.
Methyl Masterdrol is expensive and although its ingredients list is hard to come by, a label has been included in the Resource section below. Two of those listed ingredients will be carefully examined here.
Like many other bodybuilding supplements, Methyl Masterdrol contains complex ingredients that are difficult to read. Two of these stand out as potentially dangerous.
One is listed under the highly technical chemical name "3-beta-hydroxyetioallocholan-17-one." A chemical search using data from the National Center for Biotechnology Information reveals this chemical to be epiandrosterone, which is similar to another controversial supplement: dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA.
The second potentially dangerous ingredient is called yohimbine, an herbal extract. However, its herbal nature does not render yohimbine harmless.
Anabolic-Androgenic Effects
Methyl Masterdrol--in all its various formulations (XL, V2, V3)--contains the precursor to the steroid androsterone, all nearly identical in their anabolic-androgenic effects. This means they act to increase testosterone in the body, and carry similar risk profiles as any other steroid.
Anabolic refers to muscle-building properties, while androgenic properties refer to male characteristics such as body hair growth, acne on the face and back and male pattern baldness. Steroids have potentially dangerous side effects, such as aggression, increased heart rate and even delusions of invincibility.
Yohimbine Effects
Yohimbine is typically available alone in the United States as a prescription drug used to dilate the pupil of the eye and increase blood flow. It is derived from the yohimbe plant, and is often used in supplements for a stimulating effect.
The Mayo Clinic reports two serious, potentially dangerous side effects of yohimbine, which are increased blood pressure and fast heart rate. For anyone with a history of heart problems or high blood pressure, Methyl Masterdrol should be avoided for this reason alone.
Although Methyl Masterdrol is available legally in some formulations in the U.S., it poses very real dangers to people regardless of health, sex or age. If you plan on using this supplement, it is prudent to first discuss the dangers with your physician, who will weigh the potential dangers against the purported benefits of Methyl Masterdrol.