Benefits of Soy Protein Shakes
Complete Protein
Soy is a healthy alternative to animal protein as a dietary source of complete protein. In the body, dietary protein is broken down into amino acids. Complete proteins are proteins that contain all of the essential amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and proteins are the building blocks of the body. There are very few sources of complete protein in modern foods.
Cardiovascular Health
According to the New England Journal of Medicine, studies led by Dr. James W. Anderson found that adding soy protein to the diet lowers heart disease risk by 20 percent to 30 percent. Soy lowered cholesterol levels in 89 percent of the studies. On average, total cholesterol dropped 23.2 mg/dl and LDL (bad) cholesterol dropped 21.7 mg/dl without affecting HDL (good) cholesterol. Studies have also concluded that soy protects the arteries by inhibiting cholesterol oxidation and a compound in soy called genistein may inhibit the growth of arterial plaque.
Cancer Prevention
Soy protein contains phytoestrogen, which mimics estrogen by occupying estrogen receptors in the body that act as switches. Estrogen fits into the receptor like a key fits inside a lock, "turning the switch on” and activating a process in the body like cell growth and replication. Harmful forms of estrogen, found in car exhaust fumes, pesticides, aerosol sprays and hormone drugs, are stronger than the estrogen produced by the body and known to cause rapid cell replication that can lead to cancer. However, phytoestrogen is only about one-four-hundredth the potency of the estrogen produced by the body. Phytoestrogen keeps the receptors occupied so other estrogen has nothing to latch onto and is continually excreted from the body. This characteristic of soy is believed to help prevent cancers of the breast, bladder, colon, prostate and skin.
According to the National Cancer Institute, one-third of all cancer deaths are linked to diet. Soy protein, being low in fat and high in fiber, fits the criteria of a cancer-preventative food. A cancer-preventative diet consists of less fat and more fiber and plant foods. In addition, soy protein contains genistein, which has been proven to prevent enzymes in the body from converting normal cells into cancer cells.
Osteoporosis Prevention
Soy is rich in calcium, copper and magnesium, essential nutrients for strong bones. In addition, soy isoflavones can increase bone mineral content and bone density in the lumbar spine, whereas dietary animal protein can cause the body to lose calcium. Replacing animal protein in the diet with soy protein can help to prevent osteoporosis.