How to Boost Glutathione With NAC
Things You'll Need
- N-acetylcysteine supplement
Boost Glutathione with N-acetylcysteine
Obtain N-acetylcysteine from a local health food or vitamin store. Check that the brand of N-acetylcysteine obtained is pharmaceutical grade. Doses of NAC range from 400mg to 1200mg per day. Consult with a health care professional before consuming over-the-counter supplements; inform them about health conditions and other medications.
Take NAC daily. Reports indicate that NAC treatment for eight weeks can replenish whole blood and T-cell glutathione. Side effects are rare, but NAC should be discontinued and medical attention sought if problems arise.
Have glutathione levels rechecked. While NAC also may boost energy and glutathione levels, it is best to determine the impact of NAC on glutathione by having glutathione levels rechecked by a medical professional.
Enjoy the benfits of increased antioxidant levels. Elevated glutathione as a result of N-acetylcysteine supplementation will help eliminate toxins from the body. Some studies have reported that elevating glutathione improves muscle function, decreases fat/lean body mass ratio and improves immune functions.