How to Increase Your Glutathione Level
Things You'll Need
- N-acetylcysteine
- Whey protein (undenatured)
N-acetylcysteine and Whey Protein Boost Glutathione
Obtain N-acetylcysteine.
Select an N-acetylcysteine supplement produced at a registered pharmaceutical facility that follows GMP (good manufacturing practice) guidelines. Bioadvantex and Energyfirst are two brands that meet this criteria.
Obtain undenatured whey protein.
Whey protein comes in a variety of forms. The undenatured forms of whey protein stimulate liver production of glutathione. Some milk/whey proteins from China have been reported to be tainted with melamine, so this protein should be obtained strictly from domestic supplies and a GMP source. Energyfirst produces a GMP whey protein meeting this criteria.
Take N-acetylcysteine and whey protein daily.
Doses of NAC include 500, 600, or 900mg/day. Whey protein can be consumed at a dose of 1 gram per pound of body weight per day. Whey protein intake can be varied depending on kidney function, overall fitness, and metabolic activity.
Eat foods rich in antioxidants.
Foods rich in antioxidants, such as dark leafy vegetables and fruits, will help keep glutathione levels high by providing additional antioxidant buffering.
Avoid excessive levels of alcohol and sugar.
Excessive intake of alcohol can cause liver damage and decrease glutathione levels. Elevated sugar, or hyperglycemia, can also induce oxidative damage which will decrease glutathione levels.