How to Add Acidophilus Tablets to Yogurt
Things You'll Need
- Acidophilus tablets
- Plastic baggie
- Rolling pin
- Yogurt
Look at your acidophilus tablet and determine how many viable live bacteria it contains. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), most contain between one and 10 billion bacteria, but intake should be spread out over the course of a day. If it contains less than five billion, you can add the whole pill to the yogurt. If more than five billion, you should split the pill between two servings of yogurt.
Crush the tablet. You can do this with a mortar and pestle, or place the tablet in a thick sandwich bag and seal it shut. Using a rolling pin, crush the tablet and continue to roll over it until it is finely ground.
Add the tablet to the yogurt, and stir well. Place the yogurt back into the refrigerator for a half hour. This will give the tablet pieces time to soften up. If you are splitting the dosage between two servings of yogurt, add only half of the pill at this point. Leave the other half in the sealed bag to save for use later in the day.
Stir the yogurt one more time before eating.