What Are the Health Concerns in Using Acai Berry Supplements?
Weight Loss
The Acai Berry is a significant component of hundreds of diets now. The problem is that the berry doesn't have anything special in the way of fat burning abilities. This means that any diet products that work aren't necessarily working because of the power of Acai.
In treating anemia, for example, Acai didn't perform as well as the vitamin and mineral supplements normally used to treat the condition.
Acai also had little effect in treating Diabetes, type I or type II. This was in comparison to scientifically accepted supplements such as fiber and magnesium.
In treating hepatitis, licorice performed better than Acai. Other treatments that were more effective than Acai include Thiamine and Zinc.
Side Effects
Acai berries show no side effects. It does not promote any weight loss and fails at treating any condition it has been formally used for.
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