The Facts About Resveratrol
Because resveratrol is an antioxidant, it may protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable atoms that can lead to health problems, according to
Health Benefits
Resveratrol may prevent damage to blood vessels, reduce cholesterol and prevent blood clots, according to the Mayo Clinic. It may also protect against obesity and diabetes, reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, brain degeneration, inflammation and joint pain. Resveratrol may also improve skin, slow cell aging and boost energy.
Resveratrol is present in peanuts, berries (such as blueberries), red grape skin (and red wine) and Japanese knotweed. It is also available as a dietary supplement.
Most tests regarding resveratrol have been performed on animals at high doses, according to the Mayo Clinic. More research needs to be done to prove the health benefits in humans.
If you have any medical conditions, talk to your doctor before taking resveratrol. Avoid resveratrol for two weeks before and after surgery. Pregnant or breast-feeding women, people with bleeding disorders and children should avoid resveratrol supplements and excessive consumption of foods containing resveratrol.