Herb to Increase Seratonin
Herbs may react with other medication or have side effects. Be careful when adding any herb to your diet. Consult with your doctor first.
Serotonin Levels
The serotonin level plays a role in controlling aggression, anger, arousal, impulse control, sleep, relaxation, lack of will power, poor appetite control and mood swings. By increasing the level of serotonin within the brain several psychological conditions may be helped. Such conditions include seasonal affective disorder, anxiety disorders, depression, improper social behavior, bipolar disorder and sexual aberrations. Conditions will not entirely disappear but may be lessened. There is no guarantee on how herbs will help a specific individual.
Herbs that help to increase the serotonin level include oatstraw, Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga Racemosa), Burdock (Arctium Lappa), Siberian ginseng (Panex), dandelion, marjoram, gingko, roots of Angelica (Angelica Sinensis), wild yam roots, lavender, peppermint, rose petals, spearmint, licorice, St. John's Wart, red raspberry leaf, sarsaparilla, dong quai, false unicorn root, motherwort, lemon verbena, thyme, lemon balm, royal jelly, basil, and cannabis. Each herb raises the level of serotonin to help promote a feeling of well-being.
Foods that help to increase the level of serotonin include sweet potatoes, yams, squash, barley, buckwheat, wheat, rice, corn, millet, popcorn, corn chips, tortillas, honey, maple syrup, chocolate and rice syrup.
There are several activities that will increase the level of serotonin including praying, walking, stretching, yoga, tai chi, and meditation. Sunshine, a mild wind, enjoying nature through active participation and clear skies also help to increase Serotonin levels.
Disrupting Serotonin
Disrupting the serotonin level may cause obesity, eating disorders, sleep to wake cycle and promote pain. This normally happens with prescription medication but may occur when changing the level of herbs consumed.
An individual's sex drive may be inhibited if too much serotonin is present. If this should happen, there are herbs available to help reverse the side effects and increase an individual's libido, and enhance both an orgasm and climax.