Kordel Detox Side Effects
Dehydration can occur from the use of Kordel Detox. This is because it contains ingredients known to boost the metabolic rate. Boosting the metabolic rate often causes increased fluid loss through perspiration and urine excretion. To avoid dehydration while taking Kordel Detox, increase fluid intake. Dehydration can lead to other problems, such as fatigue and muscle cramping.
Constipation can occur from the use of Kordel Detox. Constipation is a result of dehydration caused by not taking in enough fluids to counteract the fluid loss caused by an increased metabolic rate. Lessen the chance of constipation by increasing fluid intake and following a diet rich in fiber-based foods. For constipation that continues despite a fluid intake and diet change, consider using an over-the-counter remedy, such as a laxative or stool softener.
Nausea may occur because the body is adjusting (gaining a tolerance) to the presence of the ingredients found in Kordel Detox. This adjustment period generally lasts three to four days. After the initial three- to four-day adjustment period, feelings of nausea should be minimal to nonexistent. If nausea continues to be an issue after this period, consider investigating alternate weight-loss supplement options.
The main stimulants found in Kordel Detox are the B vitamins it contains and taurine. Kordel Detox increases the metabolic rate. Along with an increase in metabolism, increased heart rate and blood pressure levels are likely. Avoid taking a higher dose of Kordel Detox than that listed on the packaging. Visual signs of taking in too high of a dose of stimulants include jitters, profuse sweating and muscle twitching.
Sleep Complications
Sleep complications can occur due to the presence of stimulants found in Kordel Detox. Avoid taking this product late in your day before attempting to sleep. Failure to do so increases the chances that you will experience sleep complications, such as insomnia. Limit intake of other products containing stimulants, such as coffee, as these will increase the chance that you experience sleep complications.