Krill Oil Safety

Krill are small, shrimp-like creatures that are enjoyed as a food in Japan. The oil from the krill is becoming popular as a nutritional supplement with potential benefits that may surpass fish oil.
  1. Features

    • Krill oil is known for having high concentrates of Omega-3 fatty acids, plus antioxidants. These concentrations are much higher than those found in fish oil.


    • Because krill oil is derived from a shrimp-like creature, do not use it if you have a seafood allergy, as you could have an adverse reaction to it.


    • In 2008, Antarctic krill oil was certified as being "generally recognized as safe," so it doesn't need to be approved by the FDA to be available in North America. It also has been approved by the European Food Safety Authority (ESFA).


    • Krill oil's full potential has yet to be unlocked, however it has tested well for use in managing dysmenorrhea (severe uterine pain during menstruation) and PMS at the Department of Experimental Surgery, University of Montreal, in Canada.


    • Follow the dosing directions on the package. Too much Omega-3 fatty acid in the diet can cause other health problems, some of which can be severe.

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