How to Mix Fish Oil & Garlic Supplements
According to the Mayo Clinic, both fish oil and garlic supplements are beneficial in lowering cholesterol. Taken together, both supplements provide powerful cardiovascular protection. However, both supplements can cause bad breath, gas, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, so consider this when deciding how to include these supplements in your daily regimen.Instructions
Choose a high-quality fish oil supplement that guarantees purity, is tested for contaminants by an independent laboratory and comes from one species of fish.
Choose an enteric-coated garlic supplement, forcing the garlic to wait until it reaches the small intestine before it dissolves.
Take 2g to 4g per day of fish oil a day, all at one time.
Take 600mg to 1,200mg of garlic extract a day, divided into three different doses.
Take fish oil and garlic supplements separately if you notice symptoms of bad breath, gas, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Fish oil supplements may be taken in the morning and the three doses of garlic supplements may be followed mid-morning, afternoon and evening.