Medicinal Properties of Roasted Dandelion Root Tea
Dandelion root tea has a long history of use as a diuretic and effective but gentle laxative.
Spring Tonic
Dandelion was believed to be a spring tonic because of its ability to cure scurvy. It contains high levels of vitamins C and A as well as iron and copper.
Liver Tonic
The root tea was used in American Indian cultures as a liver tonic and as a remedy for digestive upset.
Coffee Substitute
The roasted roots of dandelion make a pleasant, caffeine-free coffee substitute, without the health effects associated with coffee consumption.
Do not drink dandelion root tea if you are taking medications for diabetes such as bumetanide and furosemide. Contradictions have been reported with lithium, quinolone antibiotics and antacids. As with all wild plants, use caution and common sense before ingesting dandelions.