Long-term effects of diets using acai berry
The Berry
Called the "super food" by Dr. Nicholas Perricone, the acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) has been used for centuries as a source of fiber and nutrition. Weight loss claims of the acai berry have been made only in recent years. Comprised of carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and amino acids, acai berry's components have powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties that can improve blood circulation and skin tone, according to Dr. Perricone.
A 2006 study by a team of scientists has shown that the antioxidant capability of the acai berry is much greater than most other berries in a laboratory setting, suggesting it may have health benefits. While the early evidence may seem promising, studies are still being conducted to gather additional information. So far, results have shown no adverse side effects of using the acai berry daily, but research continues.
Weight Loss
Even though claims are rampant about the weight loss benefits of the acai berry, there has not been much in the way of research studies to substantiate these claims. However, the benefits of antioxidants in fruits such as the acai berry have been proven through vast quantities of research. If you are looking for ways to lose weight safely, it is safe to say that berries and other fruits are likely to be beneficial in more ways than one, but the acai berry has yet to be proven the weight loss savior it is touted to be.
Other Benefits
Aside from the claims and promises of weight loss success, the acai berry does have other beneficial properties that can improve your health in the long term. Like other berries and fruit, the acai berry is full of fiber. As numerous studies have shown, fiber is a significant factor in keeping your heart healthy and your cholesterol low. Although there is no specific research proving the acai berry helps reduce cholesterol more than other fruits do, its high fiber content suggests this possibility.
Evidence has not yet been produced to support the promises made by retailers that the acai berry is the answer to your weight loss dreams. However, the overall benefits of adding this fruit to your diet can be positive. The long-term effects of this so-called "superfood" remain to be seen, but adding fruit to your diet is almost always a good idea.
Visit local health food stores or gourmet cooking stores for juice or other acai berry products, since acai berries are likely to spoil quickly and are not available for purchase as fresh produce in many areas.