Will Vitamins Help With No Sleep?
If you are having trouble falling asleep, you may want to consider taking a melatonin supplement each night. Melatonin is a naturally occurring chemical in the brain that aids in sleep. Although melatonin may be purchased over the counter in drug stores, you should not take it without first consulting your doctor, as it may interact with other medications you may be taking.
Those who follow healthy, balanced diet and get seven to nine hours of sleep each night usually don't need vitamin supplements to sleep unless specified by their doctor or nutritionist reports registered dietitian Rachel Harris of the Westchester Medical Center. Supplements should only be taken when there is inadequate intake of certain vitamins and minerals in the diet or there is a documented deficiency, Harris said.
Scientists know that some vitamins and minerals may help increase energy levels when taken during the day. This may allow you to expend more energy throughout the day (preferably through exercise) which may help you to easier fall asleep at night.
The B Vitamins are a great example, as the deficiency of these vitamins may lead to fatigue. According to the American Cancer Society, "Vitamin B1 (thiamin) and Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) help the body produce energy and affect enzymes that influence the muscles, nerves, and heart." In addition, Vitamin B3 (niacin) contributes to cell's energy production.
Vitamin D, sometimes labeled the "sunshine vitamin," as it mimics the natural effect of the sun and raises serotonin levels, may also help to increase energy levels after a night of little or no sleep. Vitamin D supplements are especially helpful during the winter months, when one receives less sun exposure. The Institute of Medicine recommends most individuals receive 200 to 600 International Units (UI) a day.
While not a vitamin, the dietary supplement Lecithin whose suppliers claims may aid in physical performance, muscle endurance and reaction time may help to increase energy levels. Lecithin contains a combination of phospholipids, insotol, choline and the essential fatty acids linoleic and linolenic. It is best taken early in the day with a meal.
Only a health professional can rule out any causes of your sleep dysfunction and make proper recommendations and or diagnosis. If you are experiencing abnormal sleep patterns or insomnia, see your doctor right away.