The Best Way to Ingest Resveratrol
Red Wine
According to, "red wine contains a complex mixture of bioactive compounds including ... the stilbene polyphenol, resveratrol." Some studies have shown that because of the presence of such polyphenols, low to moderate ingestion of red wine can have positive health benefits and can reduce certain causes of mortality. However, over-ingestion of alcohol can have negative effects on the body, so consuming the proper amount of wine is crucial. Daily alcohol recommendations on the Mayo Clinic website state that moderate drinking is defined as an average of two drinks a day---or two glasses of wine---for men, and one drink a day---or one glass---for women.
Grapes or Grape Juice
Red wine is the strongest source of resveratrol, but if you do not already consume alcohol, neither the American Heart Association nor the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends that you start. Instead, one way to obtain some benefits of resveratrol without the negative effects of alcohol consumption is to eat grapes or drink grape juice (although consuming the entire grape is more beneficial, as the intact fruit also contains fiber and most juices contain a great deal of sugar). The resveratrol in wine is derived from the skin of the grape. According to the World's Healthiest Foods website, "the antioxidants known as flavonoids are phytonutrients that give the vibrant purple color to grapes, grape juice and red wine; the stronger the color, the higher the concentration of flavonoids". Thus, red or Concord grapes have a higher concentration of antioxidants than white grapes. Directly before consuming them, wash grapes under cold running water to remove any potential pesticides or dirt, then drain or pat dry. Grapes can be eaten by themselves or as part of various recipes.
If you do not like wine or grapes, or if you prefer a faster and easier method of resveratrol ingestion, then choose one of the variety of resveratrol supplements now on the market. However, the effects of synthesized resveratrol are not confirmed, and according to the Mayo Clinic, not enough is known about their effects to endorse resveratrol supplements. But if you should still want to look into supplementation, some examples are Biotivia Resveratrol Bioforte, found on; Nature's Finest Resveratrol, found in most health food stores and pharmacies; and Nature's Way Resveratrol Synergistic formula, from The Vitamin Shoppe website.