Whole Food Vs. Synthetic Vitamins
Absorption of Vitamins
Some vitamins consumed in supplements are absorbed by the body in much the same way as when they are consumed in food. Other vitamins, such as vitamin E, can only be effectively used by the body if they are ingested in a naturally occurring form.
Vitamin Complexes
A vitamin does not exist as an isolated compound in nature. It is part of a complex with several components that work together to produce a particular biological outcome in the body.
Synthetic Vitamins
Synthetic vitamins do not contain all of the components of a vitamin complex. These supplements contain the most stable and useful forms of vitamins that have been isolated from natural and synthetic sources. According to Christine Rosenbloom of Georgia State University, the body generally absorbs synthetic vitamins as well as vitamin complexes that come from natural sources.
Whole Foods Vitamins
Whole foods vitamins are derived from plant and animal sources. They typically retain many of the components that accompany the vitamins in their natural state. Proponents claim that these supplements offer greater health benefits and that synthetic vitamins may do more harm than good.
Nutrition experts on both sides of the debate agree that it is best to try to obtain the recommended daily allowance of vitamins from a balanced diet of healthful foods. In general, synthetic vitamins are cheaper and more readily available than whole foods vitamins.