Side Effects of Clenbuterol NIHFI
Thermogenic Side Effects
One of the ways Clenbuterol promotes fat loss is by increasing your resting body temperature, which means Clenbuterol is a thermogenic drug. Taking too much (or, if you're sensitive to the drug, taking a normal dose) can increase your body temperature enough to cause persistent and excessive sweating, which can lead to overheating.
A feeling of extreme agitation and nervousness is a severe side effect of Clenbuterol, caused partly by the effects of the drug on the cardiovascular system. Clenbuterol may increase your resting heart rate, depending on the dosage, leading to an overwhelming feeling of panic. You cannot reduce your heart rate until the effects of the drug have worn off.
Another common side effect of Clenbuterol is tremors in the limbs, particularly the hands. Clenbuterol affects the sympathetic nervous system (which aids in the regulation of the cardiovascular system, as well as the secretion of digestive enzymes and dilation or constriction of blood vessels), which eventually can lead to muscle spasms and tremors in the hands and fingers.
Weight Loss
One of the most common side effects is relatively rapid weight loss. Because Clenbuterol is thermogenic, and a higher resting body temperature means a higher resting metabolic rate, your body burns more calories while at rest, leading to weight loss if calorie consumption is not too high. Additionally, the rapid increase in heart rate also increases your body's resting metabolic rate, leading to an even greater increased boost in your metabolism.
An overdose of Clenbuterol can lead to severe muscular breakdown, as well as an irregular cardiac rhythm. Overuse and overdose can lead to a heart attack, as your heart rate increases greatly if too much is taken at once. Clenbuterol also can induce nausea and vomiting. While most people will suffer from an overdose, death is extremely unlikely unless an absolutely massive amount is ingested at once.