Cancer Prevention Supplements
Cancer Mechanisms
Cancer is a disease that starts inside the individual cells in the body. Each cell contains its own set of DNA material that regulates the processes that take place inside of it. Cancer appears when a mutation forms within this DNA structure. As cells give rise to more cells, the mutation appears in each generation of new cells. Cancer cells, in particular, multiply at an abnormally fast rate which accounts for the tumor formations that form in its presence. Carcinogens, viral agents and heredity have all been identified as possible causes for cell mutations. Cancer prevention supplements attempt to strengthen the body's already existent immune system processes, and eliminate toxins from the system.
Antioxidants are supplement formulas designed to eliminate by-products that result from normal cellular processes. These by-products are called free radicals, and can potentially damage cellular structures and processes. Free radicals are leftover molecular fragments that carry electrical charges. These electrical charges can alter other cellular structures, including a cell's DNA materials. Vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin E and selenium are antioxidant supplements that work to reduce the concentration of free radicals in the body. In effect, antioxidants may be able to prevent or slow the development of cancer cell formations in the body.
Herbal supplements are made up of natural plant materials found to have certain medicinal qualities. Cancer prevention herbs are thought to work by strengthening the body's immune defenses and attacking existing cancer cells. Turmeric is an herb that stimulates immune system processes, and in effect may slow the growth of cancerous cells. Maitake extract is an herb derived from Chinese mushrooms. It's also known for its ability to strengthen immune system processes. Green tea extract is another herb made from the leaves of the tea plant. The extract is noted for its ECGC ingredient which works to reduce free radicals in the system.
Calcium is the most prevalent mineral within the body. It's an essential component within the normal function of bones, blood, nerves and muscles. In effect, normal levels of calcium enable cells to absorb needed nutrients from the bloodstream. Studies done by the National Cancer Institute show a definite relationship between calcium intake and the reduced risk of certain types of cancer, however the results are as of yet unclear. The risk of colorectal cancer in particular is found to decrease with higher intakes of calcium, however the risk of prostate cancer is found to increase with higher intakes. Calcium levels in the body may affect other forms of cancer-bearing cells as well.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle can prevent most forms of cancer. Dietary habits that incorporate a balanced variety of foods from the five major groups provides a natural source of phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are chemical compounds that strengthen the body's cellular and system processes. Fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts and legumes are rich in phytochemical compounds. Maintaining a food's original phytochemical content can be accomplished by keeping cooking to a minimum and by limiting the amount of refined and processed foods from the diet.