Facts on AMLA Extract
Indians have been harvesting the Amla fruit from the Himalayas and extracting the oil for hair and skin benefits for hundreds of years. The oil was used to condition the hair and the fruit was eaten for its health benefits, as it is extremely high in Vitamin C.
Health Benefits
According to HerbalProvider.com, Amla extract is especially high in Vitamin C, so it can be used as a health supplement and to treat colds. Since the turn of the 21st century, researchers have studied Amla extract for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Other Uses
Amla extract is commonly used in India as a hair conditioner and fabric dyes. It also is used as a food ingredient in certain dishes.
Amla extract could be an effective treatment for diabetes, bacterial and viral infections, and inflammation. It also has shown promise to treat cancer and lower cholesterol.
Harvesting Oil
Amla extract is created by drying the fruits in the shade, boiling them, and placing them in coconut oil, which draws out the Amla oil. The oil is then inserted into gel capsules and bottled for retail sales for health supplement purposes.