B6 for Treating Neuropathy
The Treatment
The tingling, burning and numbing sensations associated with neuropathy are the result of nerve damage. Chemotherapy drugs, inflammation within the body or damage from physical injury can be causes. It can also be due to a deficiency of vitamin B6. The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements explains that vitamin B6 is essential to the health of the nervous system, and when lacking, neuropathy can occur. The NIH reports that supplementation with vitamin B6 can not only treat and reverse neuropathy, but it can prevent it from occuring. In a study conducted on rats suffering from diabetic neuropathy, published in the June 2009 issue of the "European Journal of Pharmacology," researchers found that treatment with B vitamins, including B6, eased the pain of neuropathy, causing the researchers to suggest it as a treatment.
Conflicting Reports
Even though vitamin B6 is reported to have success in treating neuropathy, the University of Virginia Health Systems reports that there is even more evidence that shows the possibility that vitamin B6 can cause neuropathy. The key appears to be in the dosage. Doses of B6 for neuropathy range in the 50 to 300 mg per day range, but continued use of B6 in doses over 200 mg are reported to cause neuropathy, lack of coordination and breathing difficulties. These symptoms disappear when the excess vitamin B6 doses have stopped.
Making the Decision
If you are experiencing signs of neuropathy, speak to your physician about having your blood levels of vitamin B6 checked, and discuss the possibility of supplementing with vitamin B6 as a treatment option. On the other hand, if you are already taking vitamin B6 supplements, and are experiencing neuropathy symptoms, discontinue use and speak to your doctor about the possible causes of your condition.