Epistane for Beginners
Before you decide to try Epistane, consult with your doctor and seek out the advice of experienced weight trainers who are familiar with the product. As a "designer steroid," officially classified as a nutritional supplement, Epistane is not subject to review or regulation by the Food and Drug Administration. There has been no comprehensive research done on the product's long-term side effects.
Purchasing Epistane
You can buy Epistane online from a variety of sites that sell nutritional and bodybuilding supplements. Epistane also might be available at a well-stocked retail outlet. The product comes in bottles of 90 capsules, each containing 10 mg of the active ingredients. If you plan to buy online, only use a website that you trust or previously have used and found to be reputable.
Beginning Use
Begin with a low dose of 10 mg per day, taken with water. Take Epistane up to an hour before your workout. While you are taking Epistane, continue with a regular diet and make sure to get adequate sleep. Do not increase the dosage until you have taken Epistane for at least a full week.
Increasing the Dosage
Increase the dose to 20 mg (two capsules) daily in the second week. In the third week, increase the dose to 30 mg daily. This is the maximum dosage recommended by the manufacturer, so do not increase your dosage in the fourth week of usage. Watch for side effects, including acne, fatigue and liver problems. Some reviews of the product recommend taking a liver-support supplement in combination with Epistane.
Cycling Epistane
After a maximum of four weeks, discontinue using Epistane. Cycle the product by taking it for a period of two to four weeks, then stopping for an equal period of time. If you experience any negative side effects, stop using the product.