Benefits of Taking Flax Oil
What Is Flax Oil?
Flax oil, also known as flax seed oil (linum usitatissimum), is a nutritional supplement that originates in the Western Canadian Prairies in the form of a blue flower, specifically from the seeds themselves. Much like other supplements, such as the familiar fish oil, it provides many essential ingredients toward your daily intake levels. Flax seed oil contains omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, magnesium, fiber, protein, zinc, potassium, lecithin and B vitamins, and also gives about 50% more omega-3 oils than fish oils.
Health Basics
Flax seed oil has been shown to benefit many areas and systems in the body, from the immune system, cardiovascular system and nervous system to the reproductive system and joints. Some of the acids the oil contains help lower cholesterol levels and prevent artery clots. Flax seed oils also help shorten healing times for sprains and bruises, increases metabolism and can even help improve eyesight and color perception.
Prevention and Benefits
Intake of these oils can provide many immediate health benefits but also assist in the prevention of common health issues later in life. For example, flax seed oil has been proven to treat cases of depression, help alleviate allergies, relieve some symptoms of asthma, and even stops the development of many forms of cancer, most prominently breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer. Other antioxidants present in flax seed oil can help prevent heart diseases.
Intake and Uses
The recommended dosage of flax seed oil is about 1,000 mg, to be taken between one to three times a day. This can be obtained either through capsules (standard oral intake capsules), or the seeds themselves that you can add to your meals. Note that it can take up to a few weeks to notice any results. You can also look up various recipes online that involve flax seeds, such as muffins, bread loaves and other various foods, which can give you all the same benefits without the worry of taking capsules.
Flax seed oil has been shown to give many health benefits to those that take it, but remember that individual circumstances must be taken into account. As with any supplement, it's a good idea to contact your doctor before starting something new, especially when it could have such a large impact. The benefits mentioned might not apply to everyone, and results will most certainly vary.