Can You Bake With Whey Protein Powder?
Fitness enthusiasts always look for creative ways to adjust their regimens for convenience and efficiency. Whey protein powder typically is associated with blended shakes that supply athletes with protein in liquid form. However, whey powder also avails itself for diverse use in cooking.-
Whey protein powder is a byproduct of milk's conversion into cheese. The powder comes in isolate, concentrate and blend forms---with varying levels of protein content. Whey protein isolate is the quality grade.
Whey protein powder generally contains between 50 and 95 percent protein in proportion to weight. Protein is an organic compound that is critical for muscle development.
Substitute 25 to 50 percent of the baking recipe's flour content with flavorless whey protein powder, according to personal preference. Foods may not feature the same "flakiness" when baked with certain amounts of whey powder. Bakers will need to find their personal preferences through experience. For the sake of comparison, one protein scoop is approximately 28 grams, or one-eighth of a cup.
Baking with whey protein powder increases protein intake and reduces the number of carbohydrates in a person's diet. The goal is to achieve access to muscle building material, while limiting carbohydrate calories that may translate into stored body fat.
People should avoid high-protein diets if they suffer from kidney ailments. (Reference 1) The kidneys eliminate unused protein from the body as waste. High protein intake places additional strain upon these organs.