Thyrosine for Weight Loss
Thyrosine is a weight loss product designed to supplement the body's supply of tyrosine, an essential amino acid that's used in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones play a significant role in the body's metabolism processes. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid is unable to produce adequate amounts of hormones for the body's needs. If the base materials needed in the synthesis process are lacking, low hormone levels can result. Thyrosine works to provide the materials needed for healthy thyroid production.
Protein synthesis plays a significant role in the body's ability to metabolize a person's dietary intake. The body uses a total of 20 amino acids to carry out its essential functions. A deficiency in one of these chemicals can slow or impair essential system processes. Tyrosine is to synthesize the neurotransmitters responsible for mood and energy, as well as the hormones that regulate metabolism processes. Thyrosine supplements can make up for depleted tyrosine activity, and help to restore the body's chemical balance.
Neurotransmitter Effects
Dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine are neurotransmitter chemicals that determine a person's emotional state and overall interest in daily activities. As neurotransmitters affect brain processes, an imbalance in one or more of these chemicals can affect areas throughout the brain. The hypothalamus region plays a substantial role in appetite control and function. Neurotransmitter deficiencies in any area of the brain can have an effect on how the hypothalamus functions. By supplementing the body's tyrosine levels, thyrosine works to promote balanced neurotransmitter levels in the brain.
Metabolism Processes
Normal cell activity requires adequate amounts of enzyme chemicals, which act as the regulators for cell metabolism processes. Because of tyrosine's role as a base ingredient for thyroid hormones and neurotransmitter production, its availability at the cellular level is important for proper nutrient absorption. The thyroid hormones also work to regulate cell processes by determining how fast nutrient materials are processed. Thyrosine supplements fulfill the same roles as tyrosine on a cellular level, and may help to ensure that sufficient amounts of thyroid hormone are present in the body.
Thyrosine supplements may be advertised as "fat burner" materials because of the supportive role they play in thyroid function though actual studies and clinical trials to support its claim as a weight loss agent are lacking. Tyrosine is also available in foods like fish, dairy products, red meats and oatmeal, however individuals who have hypothyroidism may require large amounts of tyrosine to restore normal levels within the body. Healthy adults require anywhere from 500 to 1500 milligrams of tyrosine per day. In effect, those with a deficiency would require a much larger dose than what's available in supplement form. Also of concern are the possible long-term effects of ingesting large amounts of tyrosine.