What Are the Benefits of Jasmine Flowers?
Jasmine scent has a pleasing effect on the mind, ultimately fighting depression. The scent makes one alert and happy.
Jasmine oil that derives from jasmine flowers makes one feel romantic and enhances one's libido. It is also used to treat impotency, premature ejaculation and frigidity.
Another benefit of jasmine oil is relaxing to muscle spasms. It can also help give relief for respiratory problems, cramps and congestion.
Jasmine oil can be used during birth to ease the pain of labor. This is a natural method compared with drugs offered during labor.
Jasmine is calming so it can be used as a sedative. The oils and teas relieve anger, depression, anxiety and stress, allowing one to rest well.
Jasmine can be used as a disinfectant and anti-septic. The benzoic acid, benzyl benzoate and benzaldehyde work well as bactericidal, germicidal, anti-viral and fungicide.