Does Kre-Alkalyn Work?
Creatine plays a role in muscle contraction and synthesis of ATP, the main source of energy in your body. It is found naturally in meat and dairy products but also is produced by your kidneys, liver and pancreas. It is said to boost fitness and athletic performance by increasing energy levels and muscle mass. Each year, millions of dollars are spent on creatine supplements, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Creatine, when ingested and mixed with liquid, converts to the byproduct creatinine. When this occurs, not all of the creatine can reach the muscle tissue. Kre-Alkalyn is a form of creatine bonded with a buffer that stops the conversion of creatine to creatinine by changing the pH level. The higher the pH--or the more alkaline the substance--the more stable creatine is in liquid. Kre-Alkalyn's manufacturer says that this buffer allows all of the creatine in the product to reach your muscles.
Expert Insight: Manufacturer Reports
Bulgarian researchers studied the effects of Kre-Alkalyn on Olympic lifters. In a double-blind study, they tested 24 athletes using either 10 capsules of Kre-Alkalyn (750 mg each) or 10 capsules of creatine monohydrate (750 mg each) daily. The lifters dieted and trained as they would for Olympic competition. Baseline tests were conducted on the first day of the trials, and Olympic lifts were measured throughout the study. The creatine monohydrate group showed an 8 percent increase over their baseline performance. The Kre-Alkalyn group increased 11 percent over their baseline. The Kre-Alkalyn group also showed a 28 percent increase over the other group in total weight lifted. This study is published on the manufacturer's website and has not been peer-reviewed.
Creatine is a widely studied supplement, and some of the research has indicated it can have fitness benefits. Belgian researchers discovered that when creatine is ingested, it elevates skeletal muscle concentrations. This can moderately improve high-intensity, repeated bouts of exercise. Creatine also may promote muscle growth and faster muscle recovery in people who do resistance training.
Consult your physician before starting any supplement regimen. Little information on Kre-Alkalyn is available outside the manufacturer's website, and it is unknown whether Kre-Alkalyn is truly effective. In general, creatine supplementation may cause bloating, gas, gastrointestinal discomfort, and water retention. It also may carry a risk of kidney damage. Sports organizations such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association have put limits on the use of creatine as a performance enhancer.