Difference Between Tribex Gold & Blue
Tribulus Extract
Tribex formulas contain an extract from a plant called Tribulus terrestris. It is believed that this extract increases testosterone production in the body; however, scientific studies are yet to find conclusive results.
Tribex Gold contains 500mg of Tribulus complex per tablet, while Tribex Blue contains 840mg of Tribulus complex, including supplementary extracts from Vitex Agnus Castus and Eurycoma Longifolia.
Both Tribex Blue and Tribex Gold are used by bodybuilders who believe that the increased testosterone levels will enable them to build extra muscle. Tribex can also be used to boost libido and to offset the effects of steroid use.
Tribex tablets can be taken on a daily basis as recommended, or in "cycles," where the supplement is taken for a period, followed by a rest period. For example, some bodybuilders follow a 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off pattern.
Tribex tablets should not be taken by females, pregnant or breastfeeding women, the elderly or those under 18 years of age. It should not be mixed with other medications such as antidepressants, stimulants or medications for high blood pressure or cardiovascular conditions.