Supplements & Liver Toxicity
What are Supplements?
Supplements can be regarded as anything marketed as a food or drug, including herbal products, vitamins or minerals.
When Supplements Can Be Harmful?
Supplements, even those advertised as natural supplements, often contain synthetic components or come in greater amounts than occur in nature. Removing toxins from supplements can overwork the liver.
The Liver's Function
Metabolizing nutrients and other substances is the job of the liver. The liver is the second-largest organ in the body and one of five organs we cannot live without. The liver removes toxins before they enter the bloodstream in three ways: through the digestive track as feces, through the kidneys as urine and through the storage of toxins in fatty tissue.
Liver Toxicity
Overloading the liver with toxins from supplements, drugs, diet, water and other unnatural substances can cause the liver to become toxic. When the liver has too much to remove and cannot keep up with the demand, it stores the toxins in fat or allows them to pass into the bloodstream.
Signs of Liver Toxicity
Signs of liver toxicity may include body aches, flu-like symptoms, low-grade fever, pain in the right side of the chest, fatigue, headache and edema.