Flaxseed Oil Diet
Flaxseed oil contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is an Omega-3 fatty acid. The Omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed oil are very similar to the Omega-3 fatty acids in fish like salmon. Flaxseed oil also contains lignans, which are chemicals that provide fiber.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the ALA in flaxseed oil is beneficial for patients at risk for heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, and other chronic conditions.
The Omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed oil help to reduce inflammation, prevent chronic diseases, promote normal growth and development for children, and promote cognitive and behavioral function, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Flaxseed oil is available in foods like bread, cereal and some bakery goods. It is also available in liquid and soft gel supplement form. Like many oils, flaxseed oil and flaxseed oil supplements will turn rancid if they are exposed to heat, so you should keep flaxseed oil products in the refrigerator. The supplements can also be destroyed by light and oxygen, which is why they come in special dark packaging.
If you choose to take flaxseed oil supplements, follow the directions on the label. Most adults should take one or two capsules (one to two tablespoons) daily. Children can take flaxseed oil, but this should only be done under the close supervision of the child's doctor.
The easiest way to include flaxseed (which contains small amounts of oil) in your diet is to grind up the seed and sprinkle it in cereals and salads. Flaxseed oil can also be used as a substitute for other cooking oils.