What Does CoQ10 Do for Your Body?
CoQ10 and Heart Health
The American Heart Association notes that lower levels of CoQ10 have been found in some people that have suffered cardiac failure. They also say not enough studies have been conducted for them to make a recommendation on its use. (See Reference 2)
CoQ10 and Parkinson's Disease
A study performed by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke found less disability in Parkinson's disease patients receiving CoQ10 than those who received a placebo. Further studies are being conducted. (See Resource 2)
CoQ10 and Migraines
A study conducted on 32 patients found 61 percent of the patients had at least a 50 percent reduction in the number of migraines after CoQ10 therapy was started. This study was performed at the Jefferson Headache Center in Pennsylvania and published by the National Institute of Health. (See Reference 3)
CoQ10 and Blood Pressure in Type 2 Diabetics
CoQ10 had no effect on blood sugar levels but did lower blood pressure in diabetic patients in a study performed in Australia. The study was reported in the United States by the National Institute of Health. (See Resource 3)
CoQ10 and Male Fertility
The American Medical Association reports a study conducted in Israel found an increase in sperm function by patients on CoQ10. (See Reference 1)