How to Take Blueberry Extract

Blueberry extract contains powerful antioxidants. It's taken orally for a variety of health reasons, such as improve one's overall health; lower bad cholesterol; improve balance and coordination; and help improve memory. Blueberry extract is " rich in vitamins and other nutrients," according to Nutra Legacy (see Resources). It contains anthocyanins, which help reduce inflammation, and may also fight against cardiovascular disease. To take advantage of the health benefits of blueberry extract, a person must first determine how to take it.


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      Talk to your doctor or health-care professional to find out if you can take blueberry extract. Since it lowers blood sugar, people who are diabetic or hypoglycemic should take blueberry extract only under medical supervision, according to the Consumer Council (see Resources). The same goes for people who take anti-hypertension medicines, since blueberry extract has been shown to lower blood pressure.

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      Take the recommended dosage of blueberry extract that's listed on the container, unless a doctor or health-care professional has prescribed a different amount. Some brands recommend one to two tablets a day, while others suggest taking one capsule four times a day. Blueberry extract may be taken with or without food.

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      Watch for adverse side effects while you take blueberry extract. It can cause a laxative effect in some people. If you experience adverse side effects, stop taking the extract and seek the advice of your doctor.

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