How to Take Fish Oil to Help Your Skin
Things You'll Need
- Fish oil supplements
Choose which type of fish oil supplement is best for you. Fish oil supplements come from cold-water fish. Though the most common fish oil supplements come from salmon and cod liver, other fish oils also contain high levels of omega 3 fatty acids. These fish include mackerel, rainbow trout, halibut, sea bass and tuna. Sardines contain a high amount of omega 3 fatty acids as well.
Consider the purity of the source of fish oil. Consider the levels of mercury and other heavy metals in fish oil supplements. Different brands of fish oil offer different levels of purity. Some are very highly refined, and in terms of purity, this may be an important factor. Some of the more reputable brands of fish oil can be more expensive, but this may be because of their much higher standards for purity.
Take your fish oil daily with meals. Because it is a fat, fish oil needs to be taken with food for best results to promote absorption. Taken on an empty stomach, fish oil can cause stomach upset and belching.
Decide on your daily dosage. According to the World Health Organization, between 300 and 500 mg of fish oil daily is recommended. The Food and Drug Administration recommends no more than 3,000 mg daily. However, according to a study in the British Journal of Dermatology, subjects who took 5,400 mg of DHA (one of the omega 3 fatty acids present in fish oil) saw a dramatic clinical decrease in their eczema. Start with a small dose, perhaps one capsule or 300 mg. Slowly increase your dose until you see an improvement in your skin condition.