What Foods to Eat to Lose Weight Taking the Acai Berry
Despite all the promises that you may read about the acai berry, you must monitor your diet and eat a healthy weight loss diet while taking the berry. Begin your menu planning with protein. Meat is the most common form of protein to include on your diet, but you can also include soy and nuts to add variety to your meals. Limit the amount of red meat you eat on a weight loss diet to only one or two times a week.
Protein is the building block that your body uses to grow muscles and tissue. The average woman needs between 37 and 50 grams of lean protein every day, and a man requires 48 to 63 grams each day. Do not exceed these numbers on your weight loss diet.
Complex Carbohydrates
Eliminate refined sugars and processed foods from your weight loss diet. Whole grains and carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables are healthier for your body when you are trying to lose weight. The nutrition that you get from the acai berry should not replace the nutrients that can be gained from vegetables. The supplement should be an additional boost to your nutrition and not take the place of any food group.
Low Fat
A weight loss diet must include some fat to be healthy. The type of fat that you include in your diet is important. Trans fats are used in many processed foods and appear on ingredient labels as partially hydrogenated oil or hydrogenated oil. Food manufacturers use these fats as a preservative to increase the shelf life of their product.
Replace saturated fats and trans fats with healthier sources. Nuts have healthy fat and essential fatty acids. Fish oil is another source of omega-3 essential fatty acids that must be included in your diet. Olive oil is a healthy choice for cooking healthy meals. Acai berry has omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids that work in conjunction with healthy omega-3 fats to improve heart health.
Acai berry is a nutritionally dense food that can aid in weight loss by improving your health. To lose weight effectively with this supplement, make healthy choices in the foods that you include in your diet.