Salt Tablets & Exercise

When someone exercises, they sweat. Sweat consists not only of water, but also salt lost through the skin. Salt is an important part of the balance of the human body. Too much salt can cause serious health problems, such as high blood pressure. Not enough salt can cause dehydration. Added salt is recommended during exercise for endurance athletes and sometimes during hot weather. It is not recommended for the average workout. Salt tablets are a convenient way to reintroduce salt to the bloodstream when it's needed, but they shouldn't be taken by everyone.
  1. Drawbacks of Salt Tablets

    • Using salt tablets as a supplement during exercise has some drawbacks. They have been known to cause vomiting and nausea. More importantly, the sodium found in salt tablets, if taken alone, will make an athlete thirsty. Dehydration during exercise can have serious consequences, including disorientation and cramps, and can even lead to a coma or death. If salt is replaced during exercise it should be from a sports drink, rather than just tablets, as the sports drinks will also replace lost water. If nausea is not a problem, tablets and sports drinks can be used together.


    • Salt tablets are often used by athletes for training in hot conditions, when more sweat is lost. The salt tablets are used in conjunction with water or sports drinks, not as a replacement. A professional trainer needs to supervise the use of salt tablets in the heat. The coach needs to speak to a doctor and get all the facts before recommending salt tablets for a practice.

    Endurance Sports

    • Endurance athletes need to add salt to their water intake while exercising. This should also be done through sports drinks and possibly salt tablets, not just tablets alone. Endurance sports include marathons, triathlons, and professional sports. Endurance athletes need to check with their trainers and doctors to find out how much salt and water they need while competing. They also need to eat a healthy, carbohydrate-rich meal the night before an event, and add extra table salt to the meal.

    Extra Salt

    • The average person will not sweat enough during exercise to need to replace any salt. The best way for the average person to maintain the correct balance of salt and water in their bloodstream is to eat a healthy diet. Water is important during exercise and should be replaced, but salt tablets aren't necessary. Anyone with questions should speak to a doctor.

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