Probiotic Colon Cleanse
colon cancer--the second most deadly cancer--constipation or abdominal pain, poor immune system, acne and sluggish energy level. To restore colon health, use probiotics.
What are Probiotics?
Probiotics are live strains of good bacteria. They are naturally found in the GI tract, but probiotics can also come from food sources or dietary supplements. Probiotics are often used to clean out colon. How? Probiotics introduce friendly good bacteria into the digestive tract and they also acts as a catalyst to stimulate the immune system. There should at least be 85% of probiotic bacteria in the GI tract to maintain colon health. According to, probiotics show promise in treating diarrhea, preventing vaginal and urinary tract infections, irritable bowel syndrome, reduce bladder cancer recurrence and can help prevent eczema in children.
Food Sources
Certain foods are good sources of probiotics. Famous examples include yogurt, kefir and Yakult Probiotic drink. Scientists from the University College Cork, Ireland found probiotics are useful in preventing and treating human diseases. Dr. Colin Hill, one of the scientists involved in the study says, "It is likely that using probiotics rather than antibiotics will appeal to at-risk individuals since they are safe, non-invasive and do not recreate resistant bacteria and can even be administered in the form of tasty foods and beverages."
Other probiotic sources include miso, soy drinks, fermented milk, tempeh (fermented soy), onion, garlic, fermented vegetables like kimchi and sauerkraut and green tea. Include probiotic foods in your daily diet to keep your colon healthy.
Probiotic Supplement
If your diet does not provide enough of the probiotics needed to encourage healthy bacteria, it is essential to take probiotic supplement. Sometimes, certain antibiotics and medicine can kill good bacteria. In cases of colon cleansing, by means of fasting, fiber or liquid diet or colon cleansing aids, probiotic supplements can restore good bacteria wiped out in the process. Why? Colon cleansing not only cleans the colon of toxic waste materials, it also wipe the different types of bacteria in the GI tract, good or bad. The shortage of good bacteria can create bacterial imbalance in the GI tract. This, in turn, can lead to complications like constipation, fatigue, digestive problems, skin problems and poor nutrient absorption. To restore the proper balance of bacteria flora in the GI tract, probiotic supplements can provide the needed good bacteria.
With so many probiotic supplements out there, how do you choose a good one? To begin with, make sure your supplements have these good bacteria: saccharomyces, bifidobateria, acidophilus and lactobacillus and these bacteria should be in the millions for them to be beneficial. Also, make sure that the supplements are enteric-coated (coated with a protective layer) to ensure that the microbes get to the colon, without being eroded in the acidic medium of the stomach. As always, consult your doctor before taking any probiotic supplements.