L-Lysine Information
L-lysine is necessary for growth because of the role it plays in the formation of bones, collagen and connective tissues, as well as the absorption of calcium. It also helps with the conversion of fatty acids to energy, which helps to lower cholesterol.
Foods rich in protein are typically good sources of L-lysine. These include red meat, pork, poultry, eggs, fish, cheese, nuts and soy products. People whose diets are low in L-lysine can take supplements in the form of tablets, capsules, liquids or creams.
L-lysine's bone-building properties may help to prevent or reduce bone loss due to osteoporosis. L-lysine is also used to help alleviate breakouts from viral infections such as shingles and cold sores caused by herpes simplex.
Side Effects
Excess consumption of L-lysine can result in the development of gallstones. A high level of L-lysine in the body interferes with the action of another amino acid arginine.
L-lysine can interact with medications and supplements. Consult a health care professional before taking L-lysine supplements. As of 2009, there is no recommended daily allowance for L-lysine.