How to Make Myoplex Taste Good
Things You'll Need
- Fruit
- Fruit juice
- Milk
- Water
- Sweetener
- Peanut butter
- Yogurt
- Hand-held blender
Use milk instead of water when preparing Myoplex powder. The directions on any pack of powdered Myoplex suggest using water or milk to create your nutrition shake. Although using water provides less calories, mixing your shake with milk results in a smoother texture, thereby reducing the strong, bitter taste caused by the lumps of powder that tend to accumulate when mixing Myoplex with water. If you prefer your shake to have a weaker flavor, dilute the mixture by using more than the prescribed amount of water or milk when preparing each serving.
Add sweetener. Use a hand-held blender to mix in a low-calorie sweetener, such as Splenda; this will help alleviate the bitterness and sour aftertaste often associated with Myoplex. If you don't mind extra carbohydrates, you can add sugar, honey, Nesquik or a small amount of chocolate.
Blend peanut butter or yogurt into your shake. If you use powdered Myoplex, make your shake before adding peanut butter or yogurt to ensure proper absorption of the powder. Although adding peanut butter or yogurt will make your shake thicker and add calories, both substances effectively mask much of the flavor of Myoplex.
Mix in fruit or fruit juice. Fruits are generally acidic and their flavors successfully hide the flavor of Myoplex. Using real fruit will create a thicker consistency to your shake, while adding fruit juice will give your drink a more liquid texture.
Make a smoothie, pudding or cookies using Myoplex as a main ingredient. EAS provides many recipes based on the use of Myoplex at (see Resources).