Supplements for Bladder Health
Problems with the Bladder
The bladder is an important organ that holds urine collected by the kidneys before it is released from the body. The bladder can function improperly due to conditions such as overactivity and bladder cancer.
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice can be used to combat urinary tract infections by helping prevent bacteria from lining the walls of the urinary tract, which leads to infection.
Dandelion Root
Supplements from dandelion root are used as a digestive system cleanser, including the bladder. This supplement helps keep the system cleansed by stopping the accumulation of bacteria.
Green Tea
Green tea is another supplement that has been used to treat conditions affecting the bladder. This product is available in drink or pill form and has been used to prevent bladder cancer.
Side Effects
When using any supplement, your body may undergo various side effects. Before using any type of medication, talk to your physician to gain a better understanding of its potential effects on your body.