What to Look for When Buying Omega 3 Supplements
Deep-water fish that inhabit the least polluted waters are the best source of omega-3, but even then oily fish can contain high levels of toxic pesticides and possibly dioxins. These toxins can be removed with the proper processing techniques.
Distillation and extraction methods can remove impurities and help ensure freshness. Each manufacturer must maintain records of test results for toxic levels. These reports are available to the public upon request.
DHA is one of two essential fats contained in fish oil tablets. DHA has the highest amount of anti-inflammatory properties, making it more effective at fighting off joint pain and inflammation. It also helps by boosting your memory and concentration. Make certain the supplement has a higher amount of DHA rather than EPA. Both should be present, with a 3:2 ratio most effective. The higher the amount of DHA per gram, the fewer tablets you will have to take.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
To ensure you get all the benefits of omega-3 supplements, all eight omega-3 fatty acids must be present. These are ALA, EPA, DHA, SDA, ETA (3), ETA, HPA and DPA. There must be a balance of these in the supplement.
Types of Fish
Make certain that the supplement is pressed from edible flesh of the fish and not from tails, heads, entrails, etc. These other parts are clearly not for human consumption and should not be included in a fish oil supplement. Check the label carefully to ensure the purchase of a quality product.
Health-Care Provider
Before beginning any supplements, it is important to check with a health-care professional. Dosage is a major consideration. The American Heart Association recommends 1 to 3 grams per day of EPA and DHA, but you are encouraged to discuss dosage with your doctor.