Vitamin B12 & Phentermine for Weight Loss
Vitamin B-12
A number of resources in online weight loss forums urge overweight individuals to supplement their diets with large amounts of vitamin B-12. In addition to orally administered pills, the rumors claim, direct injections of B-12 can quickly boost the user's metabolism and bring on rapid weight loss. According to Doctor Katherine Zeratsky of the Mayo Clinic, however, no evidence exists to support the idea that vitamin B-12 contributes to weight loss success. Dr. Zertasky points to a 2005 study that claimed individuals who took vitamin B-12 gained weight at a slower rate than a control group who took no supplements as the possible origin of the myth, though she goes on to explain that individuals who take dietary supplements tend to have healthier habits and likely had other dietary and lifestyle differences that contributed to their reduced weight gain.
A number of reputable resources confirm that the weight loss drug Phentermine directly contributes to weight loss. According to the online health resource, Phentermine works in combination with prescribed dietary and lifestyle changes to enable users to lose weight. Phentermine interrupts neurotransmitters that carry messages of hunger from the stomach to the brain; by doing so, the drug inhibits appetite, ultimately lowering the user's caloric intake. In addition, the drug triggers an adrenaline release that increases the user's energy level and boosts metabolism. These two functions combine in most users to bring on a rapid weight loss effect.
Phentermine comes with some possible side effects, however. As an amphetamine, the drug can place excessive strain on the user's heart and nervous system, making it unsuitable for some individuals.
Diet and Exercise
Regardless of which supplements or prescription drugs you choose to take, these dietary additions play only a partial role in the overall weight loss endeavor. According to WebMD and Dr. Zeratsky of the Mayo Clinic, a healthy lifestyle, supplemented with a low-calorie diet and a regular exercise routine makes up the keystone component of losing weight. Even with assistance from drugs such as Phentermine, work to make healthy lifestyle choices to lose weight, and especially to maintain long-term weight loss.