Benefits of Shark Cartilage & Prolactin
Prolactin, by contrast, is a natural hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, and helps to stimulate milk production in nursing mothers. Prolactin has known beneficial effects, but in excess concentrations it has also been associated with higher risk of breast cancer.
Cancer Fighter
The limited scientific studies of shark cartilage have not concluded that it has any preventive effect on the development of malignant tumors. However, those who support the cancer-fighting claims of shark cartilage point to the relatively low incidence of cancers among sharks, as well as to studies that show shark cartilage effective in preventing angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels, which is associated with the development of cancerous tumors. In a trial conducted by C.L. Loprinzi et al., of the Department of Oncology, Mayo Clinic, and published in the July 2005 edition of Cancer, the effectiveness of shark cartilage in breast-cancer patients was tested on 83 patients; beneficial results were negligible and there was no measurable improvement in the subjects' quality of life.
Other Uses
Shark cartilage has also been recommended as useful against arthritis, psoriasis, osteoporosis and an eye condition known as macular degeneration, although studies to this point have been inconclusive. As a dietary supplement, shark cartilage is not subject to review by the Food and Drug Administration and can be sold over the counter without a prescription.
Neovastat - The New Shark Cartilage
A new form of shark-cartilage extract has been manufactured in a liquid form and is known as AE-941 or Neovastat. This is currently undergoing clinical trials for its effectiveness against cancerous tumors. Neovastat is a recent addition to a new wave of cancer-fighting drugs that have anti-angiogenic effects. At least one of these anti-angiogenic drugs has been approved for use, although it does not contain shark cartilage.
Prolactin's Cancer Risks
Prolactin is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the pituitary gland that stimulates the production of breast milk. Recent studies have shown it to be associated with the development of cancerous breast tumors. One study, conducted in 2003 by Dr. Claire M. Perks of the Bristol Royal Infirmary and published by the British Journal of Cancer in June 2004, stated that prolactin provides a potent "survival factor" for breast-cancer cell lines, allowing them to resist inhibiting factors.
Prolactin's Natural Benefits
The production of prolactin, and the breastfeeding that it makes possible, has been linked to a heightened sense of contentment and sexual satisfaction in breastfeeding mothers. Also, this activity has a prophylactic effect, preventing pregnancy among the majority of breastfeeding women until the return of their menstrual cycle. Prolactin has a temporary negative effect on fertility in males as well as in females. It has also been found to assist the adrenal glands in their fight against infection.