Phera-Plex Side Effects
Prostate Issues
Prostate issues may arise from the use of Phera-Plex, especially in men who produce high levels of testosterone naturally. If testosterone levels rise too high, prostate enlargement can occur. Enlargement of the prostate is commonly painful, and can cause difficulties with urination. Having a prostate exam conducted before using Phera-Plex is recommended, especially if you are over the age of 30.
Behavioral Changes
Behavioral changes may occur from Phera-Plex use. This is because Phera-Plex greatly increases the production of testosterone in the body. In some people, high testosterone levels can cause anxiety, depression and aggressive behavior to develop. Discontinue use of Phera-Plex if you experience any of these side effects, and contact your doctor as soon as possible. If you have a preexisting mental health condition, avoid using products that boost testosterone levels unless directed to do otherwise by a physician.
Acne is a common side effect of products that increase testosterone levels in the body. When testosterone levels in the body are high, glands produce more oil than normal. The excess oil produced causes pores to clog, which can lead to acne. To avoid acne while using Phera-Plex, bathe regularly and if needed ask your doctor about acne treatment options. Acne treatments available over-the-counter may also be effective.
Phera-Plex use over a long period of time has the potential to cause baldness, due to increased testosterone levels. People with naturally high levels of testosterone are the mostly likely to experience this side effect with long-term use. Before using Phera-Plex, have your testosterone levels checked by a physician.
Liver Problems
If the dosing instructions on the packaging are not followed, Phera-Plex has the potential to cause liver damage. When the body produces too much testosterone, the excess is filtered out by the liver. The liver will remove as much of the excess testosterone as possible. This causes the liver to work much harder than normal. If the liver must continually remove excess amounts of testosterone from the body, liver failure may occur. Avoid using Phera-Plex if you have preexisting liver conditions.