What Are the Benefits of Liquid Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is an essential water soluble vitamin that helps protect your immune system. According to Natural Standard Research, "Vitamin C is necessary in the body to form collagen in bones, cartilage, muscle and blood vessels and aids in the absorption of iron."
  1. Features

    • Peppers

      Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits and vegetables like spinach, broccoli, red peppers, cabbage and cauliflower.


    • According to Russell Jaffe, M.D., "80 percent of people require at least 10 g of vitamin C daily for optimum physiological function." Most vitamins are available in pills, powders and liquid. The main difference between these forms is the rate at which your body absorbs the vitamins. Liquids are absorbed more quickly than pills and powders, which means the vitamin will become active sooner. Some people have trouble absorbing vitamins in pill form and must take them in liquid form.


    • Sailors and scurvy

      During the 16th century, sailors who were out to sea for long stretches of time were coming down with scurvy. They were unaware at the time that a simple solution existed. In 1747, British naval surgeon James Lind figured out that the vitamin C in lemons combated scurvy. From then on, all ships had lemon juice on board.


    • Many beauty companies have added vitamin C to their products, claiming that it helps fight wrinkles. Researchers at the University of Leicester and Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology found that vitamin C could lead to better skin regeneration.


    • Before buying liquid vitamin C, check the ingredients. Sugar and other ingredients may be added to your liquid vitamin that you may not need or want. Talk to your doctor to discuss if liquid vitamin C is right for you.

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