What Are the 5 Essential Vitamins?
The Sunshine Vitamin
Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin because it can be absorbed from the sun. However, some people are not able to get adequate sun exposure due to cancer, skin conditions or sensitivities. But, they can get plenty of vitamin D from food or supplements. According to the Mayo Clinic, vitamin D is one of the most essential vitamins needed by the body because this nutrient helps to maintain normal blood levels of phosphorus and calcium. Vitamin D and calcium strengthen each other to improve bone health. Vitamin D also boosts the immune system and improves blood pressure. Vitamin D is found in foods like eggs, milk, and cod liver oil.
Immune Support Vitamin
According to the Mayo clinic vitamin C is another essential vitamin. Vitamin C can help prevent colds and flu by boosting the immune system. The immune system is your line of defense against bacteria and viruses. The effects are more dramatic when vitamin C is taken before a cold starts. Take 500 mg of vitamin C all year round and triple your dose during cold and flu season. Vitamin C can also be found in many foods like oranges, strawberries, green peppers, blueberries and nectarines.
Skin Healing Vitamin
Vitamin A is another essential vitamin for many reasons. Vitamin A improves cell communication, improves skin tone, reduces acne, and boosts the immune system. In addition, vitamin A also improves vision health and the structures of the mucous membranes. The safest form of vitamin A is beta carotene. This type of vitamin A is found in carrots, broccoli, dark leafy green vegetables, milk, eggs, chicken and liver.
Energizing Vitamins
According to the Mayo Clinic B-vitamins, especially vitamin B12 help improve the health of blood cells and nerve cells. B-vitamins are also essential because they energize cells and improve nervous system function. B-vitamins also help to relieve stress and anxiety which is common in this day and age. B-vitamins fight fatigue and improve cell communication. B-vitamins can be found in meat, eggs, fish, dairy products, liver, dark green vegetables and other meats.
Blood Building Vitamin
According to a study done at Oregon State University, vitamin K improves blood health and prevents blood clots. Blood clots are a major cause of heart attacks and stroke. This vitamin also improves bone health. Vitamin K can be found in foods like kale, dark green leafy lettuce, liver, and other meats. You can also take vitamin K in supplement form.