Is Coral Calcium Calcium Carbonate?

Coral calcium hit the forefront when advertisements promoting its benefits began in 2003. Originally touted as the cure for everything from high blood pressure to cancer, these claims were unsubstantiated and the Federal Trade Commission took action against at least one party that made such claims. When taking any nutritional supplement, it is important to weigh benefits with any possible side effects.
  1. Identification

    • On a reef, the stony corals excrete calcium carbonate. The reef is essentially composed of the shed skeletons of these corals.


    • Harvesting from a live coral reef to supply coral calcium would disturb the oceanic ecosystem. Many companies obtain coral calcium from the limestone formed by a coral reef above the surface.


    • Coral calcium, while primarily made up of calcium carbonate, also contains magnesium and other trace minerals.


    • Calcium obtained through nature food sources is usually best, but supplements such as those containing calcium carbonate could help increase your daily intake.


    • Usually the body absorbs only 30 to 35 percent of the coral calcium taken. People who are allergic to shellfish should take caution when taking this type of calcium supplement.

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