What Is Fenugreek Herb Good For?
Fenugreek is used to increase breast milk production. Do not take fenugreek if you're pregnant.
Fenugreek was favored by the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans for medicinal purposes. The seeds are the most potent part of fenugreek and are used today in herbal medicines and cooking (see References).
Fenugreek seeds have many healing benefits, and can ease poor digestion, painful menstruation and increase breast milk, as well as aid in diabetic treatments. Ground fenugreek seeds can help heal burns and boils; mixed with oil, it can also make hair shine when applied to the scalp (see References).
Expert Insight
A 2009 study at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland showed fenugreek seeds can destroy cancer cells. In the study, fenugreek "was growth-inhibitory to breast, pancreatic and prostate cancer cell lines" (see References).
Food and Other Uses
Fenugreek seeds are used as a spice in foods, such as curry, as well as an aphrodisiac. Fenugreek sprouts are eaten raw in salads (see Resources).
Avoid fenugreek if you're pregnant as it can induce labor (see Resources).
Fenugreek can cause gas and diarrhea.