Hydroxy Mesterone Side Effects
Hydroxy Mesterone may cause nausea in some people. The reason for this is that the body may need time to adjust to the increased levels of testosterone that occur with use of the product. In most cases, the body will develop a tolerance to a new supplement in approximately three to four days, but in some cases this may take a week. If nausea continues to be an issue after the first week of use, consider choosing a different supplement or, alternately, using an anti-emetic, a drug used to treat nausea.
Liver Problems
Hydroxy Mesterone may cause liver damage, especially if the dosing instructions of the packaging are not followed. Excess testosterone in the body is processed and filtered by the liver. The liver will attempt to remove as much excess testosterone from the blood as possible. Too much testosterone places increased strain on the liver, and may cause liver damage. In extreme cases, liver damage may occur from long-time use, and liver failure can result if the product is overused for a long enough period of time.
Behavioral Changes
When the body is introduced to steroids, behavioral changes may occur. Increased anxiety, depression, aggressive behavior and other mental changes may result. Those with preexisting mental and behavioral health issues should avoid products containing steroids if at all possible. If these side effects occur while you are using Hydroxy Mesterone, contact your physician immediately and discontinue use of the product.
Prostate Issues
Prostate issues may develop from using Hydroxy Mesterone. This is more likely in people who naturally produce high levels of testosterone. Too much testosterone in the body may cause an enlargement of the prostate. Prostate enlargement is often painful, and difficulty with urination may occur. Before using Hydroxy Mesterone, consider having a prostate examination, especially if you are over the age of 30.
Using Hydroxy Mesterone can lead to baldness if it is used over an extended period of time. The increase in testosterone caused by the product may be too much, especially if the person using it naturally produces high amounts of testosterone. Too high a level of testosterone in the body for too long a period of time can cause baldness. People with a family history of baldness are more susceptible to this side effect. To avoid baldness when using Hydroxy Mesterone, make sure to have your testosterone levels checked before use.